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Aachener Kunstblätter
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Erscheint auch als: Aachener Kunstblätter, Aachen : Thouet, 1906, Online-Ressource Get additional information onlineLibrary: Archaelogy, Prehistory and Ancient History
Address, Contact:
Bibliothek Klassische Archäologie und Ur- und Frühgeschichte
Ritterstraße 14
04109 Leipzig
Ritterstraße 14
04109 Leipzig
Holdings details from Archaelogy, Prehistory and Ancient History
Klassische Archäologie
nur in der Bibliothek nutzbar
Library: Arts
Address, Contact:
Bibliothek Kunst
Dittrichring 18-20
04109 Leipzig
Dittrichring 18-20
04109 Leipzig
E-Mail: zbkunst@ub.uni-leipzig.de
Tel.: +49 341 97-35545
Tel.: +49 341 97-35547
Fax: +49 341 97-39244
Location website
Tel.: +49 341 97-35545
Tel.: +49 341 97-35547
Fax: +49 341 97-39244
Location website
Holdings details from Arts
nur in der Bibliothek nutzbar
2/3.1908 - 7/8.1913; 11.1915/23 - 15.1931; 21.1961 - 52.1984; 56/57.1988/89(1989) - 61.1995/97(1998) [N=29]
2/3.1908 - 7/8.1913; 11.1915/23 - 15.1931; 21.1961 - 52.1984; 56/57.1988/89(1989) - 61.1995/97(1998) [N=29]
Library: Bibliotheca Albertina
Address, Contact:
Bibliotheca Albertina
Beethovenstraße 6
04107 Leipzig
Beethovenstraße 6
04107 Leipzig
Holdings details from Bibliotheca Albertina
bestellbar für Nutzung in der Bibliothek
27.1963 - 28.1963; 30.1965; 32.1966 - 33.1966; 35.1968 - 36.1968; 38.1969 - 41.1971; 43.1972 - 44.1973; 46.1975 - 50.1982; 52.1984
27.1963 - 28.1963; 30.1965; 32.1966 - 33.1966; 35.1968 - 36.1968; 38.1969 - 41.1971; 43.1972 - 44.1973; 46.1975 - 50.1982; 52.1984